Saturday 12 May 2018

Is 15 years worth waiting for the US Green Card?

As a US citizen all my life, I’d never really considered just how hard the process of becoming a citizen really is…….. until this past election! We all learned a lot more! The bottom line is - our immagration process needs reform URGENTLY ! It needs to be streamlined, & made fair to those who have chosen to do it the legal way. Most American citizens right now are extremely frustrated by the system, that seems to reward those who come & stay here illegally over those who are trying to do it the right way! So we feel your frustration!

But I want to clear up a common misperception brought on by the Obama Administration. The President of the United States cannot make any immigration law or decree (by executive order). When President Obama issued the executive order granting legal status to children whose parents came here illegally, he knowingly violated US law, & could have been impeached for it! Any executive order issued by a President can be undone the minute the next President takes office. President Trump has not reversed The Dream Act yet, but is considering what to do with all those kids who thought they became legal - but lawfully didn’t. What Obama did was not only a cruel gesture giving false hope, but it encouraged waves of children to risk their lives to try to get into our country from Central & South America while Obama was being so generous! This swamped our already taxed system to the breaking point, thus prolonging the process for those in line already!

The President has no authority to change or make a law. That is the sole responsibility of our Congress. So, to lawfully grant legal status for all those Dreamers, Congress must rewrite our Immagration Laws. The good news is, that the President can strongly encourage & pressure members to do so. In fact, it is at the top of Trump's adgenda!

Now whether or not Congress can stop all their games & power plays, & get together & actually do it……… well that’s the sticky wicket, isn't it?! But please know it is at the top of President Trump's adgenda, and Americans have had enough of the shambles our immigration system is in! So there is hope for those who are doing it the right way, & we commend you for your perseverance thus far! It is a privilege to be a citizen of the USA, & traveling abroad opens your eyes to just how blessed we are!

Hang in there guys!

-Cheryl :)

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